Monday, March 1, 2010

me, myseLf and I....


..being me isn't sOmething yOu wanted tO be........
what I meAn Is, it's nOt easy tO be the typicaL"AdeLaine pO peLayO".......
I may have a suppOrtive famiLy, but having sOmething Like that dOesn't make me feeL my freedOm..........
I'm a type Of girL whO dOesn't hOme, in church, and in anywhere, except at schOOL, thOugh nOt that much........sOmething Like, I dOn't taLk tO the bOy, unLess he taLks tO me..
yOu can say that I'm nOt friendLy at aLL, because Of that..
thOugh i'm a haLf-chinese, haLf-fiLipinO, yOu may say that i am veRy Lucky....but me, myseLf, i dOn't give much impOrtance abOut me being Like that, 'cause i want tO be sOmeOne whO is simpLy me..sOmething Like, me being discOvered, because it tried tO be ME...nOt because me, being a haLf-chinese, haLf-fiLipinO gurL...........

I'm a persOn whO dOesn't teLL my secRets tO anyOne....and if I dO, yOu can hardLy knOw it...^^u can hardLy knOw what kind Of persOn i am..........

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